Joining Letsbuyhealthcare

Now, for the first time, self funding and self paying for private healthcare is made a whole lot simpler. Quality, accessible and affordable private healthcare. Members can create their own personal healthcare fund, access the private healthcare portal to book treatments online from the network of participating private medical providers, receive a share in any overall fund investment growth and avail of other exclusive membership benefits. Membership gives everyone an equal connection to private healthcare.
  • Healthcare Coin Vouchers

    Healthcare Coin vouchers are a new flexible way for Members to prepare for the cost of private healthcare

    Each Healthcare Coin you buy represents a €50 addition to the value of your own personal private healthcare fund

    • You decide how many Healthcare Coin vouchers to buy and when to do so
    • Every Member has their own Letsbuyhealthcare 'digital wallet'
    • Your employer can add tax free Healthcare Coin vouchers to your fund
    • Your own personal healthcare fund is available to use with any private medical provider
    • You may use your Healthcare Coin fund to buy private healthcare for anyone
    • The overall Healthcare Coin fund is overseen by one of the most respected firms of accountants in Ireland
    • Any net investment growth will be returned to Members as additional Healthcare Coins
    Learn More
    Membership of Letsbuyhealthcare

    Individual or Family Members

    Families can decide if they want everyone in the family to be Members (each with their own Healthcare Coin Fund) or have a single family Healthcare Coin Fund. Either way the owner can use their Healthcare Coin Fund to meet the cost of anyone's private healthcare.
    Membership of Letsbuyhealthcare

    Company / Business

    Companies or businesses can also join the Letsbuyhealthcare as Members in their own right. As an employer if you want to support the private healthcare costs of your directors, partners, managers or employees using Healthcare Coiin vouchers just contact Letsbuyhealthcare.
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