Provider More Info If any medical provider wants to add information to the summary medical description of this treatment a MORE button will be displayed in this column. Information More Info The price quoted assumes: GP Practice -Treatment is provided at a GP Practice. Dental Practice -Treatment is provided at a Dental Practice. Community -Treatment is delivered at your home, office or other community based setting. Outpatient -Treatment or diagnosis is received before, or without, admission to a hospital. Hospital DayCase -Attendance at a hospital without the need for an overnight stay. Hospital SideRoom -The same setting as Day-case but aftercare and recovery is normally short. Hospital Inpatient -At least one overnight stay. Online -Treatment or service is delivered online. Phone -Service is delivered by Phone call Setting More Info The prices shown are 'all inclusive'. For hospital surgical treatment prices all normal anticipated costs associated with your hospital admission are included. Pre and post operative consultation fees, medical consumables, hospital charges and all professional fees. Please note that any further outpatient costs that arise (for example physiotherapy, convalescence costs etc) are excluded. Price Healthcare coins© More Info If you decide to go ahead, you book online now. The provider will then make contact with you. If the provider is set up with us as a direct payee you may also pay them online. Or you can just book without any payment and pay them later. Deposit More Info If the price guarantee is FIXED the price provided by the hospital or provider is fixed and final. There can be no additional cost for what is booked. However some medical conditions can sometimes require unanticipated extra tests or unanticipated extra treatment. These are marked STANDARD by the hospital or provider so that you are at least aware of the risk that extra charges might, in some circumstances, arise. Price guarantee More Info This is the typical average waiting time between now and an attendance with the provider or the hospital’s consultant. You can agree a suitable appointment date with the provider once they make contact with you Waiting times
Provider Diabetes Care Centre Services Dublin More Info If any medical provider wants to add information to the summary medical description of this treatment a MORE button will be displayed in this column. Information more More Info The price quoted assumes: GP Practice -Treatment is provided at a GP Practice. Dental Practice -Treatment is provided at a Dental Practice. Community -Treatment is delivered at your home, office or other community based setting. Outpatient -Treatment or diagnosis is received before, or without, admission to a hospital. Hospital DayCase -Attendance at a hospital without the need for an overnight stay. Hospital SideRoom -The same setting as Day-case but aftercare and recovery is normally short. Hospital Inpatient -At least one overnight stay. Online -Treatment or service is delivered online. Phone -Service is delivered by Phone call Setting Community More Info The prices shown are 'all inclusive'. For hospital surgical treatment prices all normal anticipated costs associated with your hospital admission are included. Pre and post operative consultation fees, medical consumables, hospital charges and all professional fees. Please note that any further outpatient costs that arise (for example physiotherapy, convalescence costs etc) are excluded. Price €1,000.00 Healthcare coins© 20 More Info If you decide to go ahead, you book online now. The provider will then make contact with you. If the provider is set up with us as a direct payee you may also pay them online. Or you can just book without any payment and pay them later. Deposit €0.00 More Info If the price guarantee is FIXED the price provided by the hospital or provider is fixed and final. There can be no additional cost for what is booked. However some medical conditions can sometimes require unanticipated extra tests or unanticipated extra treatment. These are marked STANDARD by the hospital or provider so that you are at least aware of the risk that extra charges might, in some circumstances, arise. Price guarantee fixed More Info This is the typical average waiting time between now and an attendance with the provider or the hospital’s consultant. You can agree a suitable appointment date with the provider once they make contact with you Waiting times Waiting times 2 Weeks
Provider Diabetes Care Centre Cork More Info If any medical provider wants to add information to the summary medical description of this treatment a MORE button will be displayed in this column. Information more More Info The price quoted assumes: GP Practice -Treatment is provided at a GP Practice. Dental Practice -Treatment is provided at a Dental Practice. Community -Treatment is delivered at your home, office or other community based setting. Outpatient -Treatment or diagnosis is received before, or without, admission to a hospital. Hospital DayCase -Attendance at a hospital without the need for an overnight stay. Hospital SideRoom -The same setting as Day-case but aftercare and recovery is normally short. Hospital Inpatient -At least one overnight stay. Online -Treatment or service is delivered online. Phone -Service is delivered by Phone call Setting Community More Info The prices shown are 'all inclusive'. For hospital surgical treatment prices all normal anticipated costs associated with your hospital admission are included. Pre and post operative consultation fees, medical consumables, hospital charges and all professional fees. Please note that any further outpatient costs that arise (for example physiotherapy, convalescence costs etc) are excluded. Price €1,000.00 Healthcare coins© 20 More Info If you decide to go ahead, you book online now. The provider will then make contact with you. If the provider is set up with us as a direct payee you may also pay them online. Or you can just book without any payment and pay them later. Deposit €0.00 More Info If the price guarantee is FIXED the price provided by the hospital or provider is fixed and final. There can be no additional cost for what is booked. However some medical conditions can sometimes require unanticipated extra tests or unanticipated extra treatment. These are marked STANDARD by the hospital or provider so that you are at least aware of the risk that extra charges might, in some circumstances, arise. Price guarantee fixed More Info This is the typical average waiting time between now and an attendance with the provider or the hospital’s consultant. You can agree a suitable appointment date with the provider once they make contact with you Waiting times Waiting times 2 Weeks
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Workplace Wellness Programme

What's Included In Your Treatment:

  • Health, lifestyle, and diabetes prevention programme delivered in the workplace. Designed and tailored to meet your specific company and employee needs
  • Delivered by an expert team of healthcare professionals with experience and specialist knowledge in diabetes and healthy living
  • Diabetes screening - a risk assessment questionnaire and blood glucose screening. Instant results delivered, with recommendations, on a one-to-one confidential basis
  • Motivational diabetes & health interaction with employees. Engaging, innovative and supportive communication on health, lifestyle, and the prevention and control of diabetes
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